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Virtual Field Trip Lesson on The Carbon Cycle

Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘It’s organic’? It’s a peculiar term in our world. For scientists, it means that the substance is composed of carbon. There’s something remarkable about carbon—it’s neither created nor destroyed. Instead, it’s recycled through our environment as we breathe, as plants conduct photosynthesis, and as bacteria decompose things. This lesson takes us to a local grocery store to teach us how carbon is cycled through the environment. The students will visit the grocery store and explore each stage of the carbon cycle through a 3D virtual world.

Building Your Own Virtual Field Trip

Students and teachers can also be creators or virtual reality learning resources. This tutorial will help teachers and students learn to create their own virtual scientific tours of interesting phenomena. To do this, you will use two or three different types of software together. The videos below offer a basic introduction to using VR 360 video and using ThingLink. We invite you to give it a try and reach out to our team if you would like additional assistance.

Puerto Rico Virtual Field Trip – Sustainable Recovery

Puerto Rico is one of the most beautiful locations in the world. The island nation has a wealth of natural resources that flourish in an amazing region of the world. A few years ago a devastating hurricane, Hurricane Maria, hit the island of Puerto Rico. It is an amazing case study of Climate Change, Human Ingenuity, and the goal to rebuild a community using principles of sustainability. This lesson with teach the ideas of natural disasters, climate change and human response.

Virtual Reality Training Lesson

Emerging from pandemic instruction, teachers learned to leverage some important tools to keep students thinking and engaged. One of the biggest challenge of that time was offering NGSS based laboratory experiences. One useful tool for that challenge is virtual reality. In this case, students can take virtual field trips to visit locations, collect data, and make claims based on what they learned. To prepare students for the lessons use this short training activity to help students grown comfortable using the interface and the goggles.

Tanzania – Fighting Climate Change With Safari’s & Reforestation (VR)

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about the fight against climate change? Does your mind immediately think about the environmental efforts of African nations? In this lesson, students will learn about the powerful impact of humans on the environment. In Tanzania, scientists have worked on building a better and more sustainable culture. The reason why animals thrive in African safaris is because of the careful work to keep the (abiotic) non-living factors healthy enough to allow the animals to thrive. Additionally, using scientific knowledge to plant trees produces a healthier environment. The basic concepts are Ecosystem, Abiotic vs Biotic factors, Biodiversity, and Reforestation. The lesson includes virtual visits to Safari sites and a Reforestation project.

Virtual Reality Science Lessons

There are a number of ways teachers can consider using virtual reality to teach science concepts. Teachers can use VR 360 videos or VR Worlds. In VR 360 videos students use VR goggles to view actual video recorded at 360 degrees. People have taken footage from space and remote locations around the globe. We have a sequence of science lessons that are available for you to use now. The lessons teach students about the science happening in their neighbor hoods. To use these lessons, simply click the links below and keep your students talking about the exciting world of science happening right outside their door. This project was funded by the Technology for Equity in Learning Opportunities program at Stanford University TELOS


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