Book Talk: Preparing Science Teachers Through Practice-Based Teacher Education


Join us for an online Book Talk. Stanford’s Graduate School of Education’s Science in The City Research Group welcomes the team of Dr. David Stroupe, Dr. Karen Hammerness, Dr. Scott McDonald, & Dr. Kirsten Mawyer. Together, they wrote an incredible text that explores and challenges how we train modern science teachers. Given, theoretical and practical challenges of teaching science, teacher educators must have a detailed understanding of how to build a science teaching force that understands students, understands curriculum, and understands core pedagogical practices. Join us for an online exploration of their new book.

Join us for a special Virtual Book Talk

How are we using core practices to prepare modern science teachers for the rigors of teaching NGSS based science?

“Preparing Science Teachers Through Practice-Based Teacher Education” explores how teacher educators across the nation are preparing science teachers through different methods. This one hour presentation will review the big ideas from an important new book.


DAVID STROUPE – Michigan State University

KAREN HAMMERNESS – American Museum of Natural History

SCOT MCDONALD – Pennslyvania State University

KIRSTEN MAWYER – University of Hawai’i

The Video Recording is Available Here:

This event is open to the public, register to receive the zoom link for the book talk:




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